old kingdom
old kingdom

The first pharaoh of the Old Kingdom was Djoser ,who ruled Egypt from 2630-2611 B.C. the Great Pyramids of Giza and the sphinx were constructed due to a long-standing peaceful period.The pharaoh performed rituals so that the Nile would continue to flood, which was the lifeblood of Egypt.

Despite popular belief, the pyramids were not built by slaves, but by laborers who willingly worked on the structures.

middle kingdom
middle kingdom

  • The "Middle Kingdom" is a period of time during the history of Ancient Egypt. It lasted from 1975 BC to 1640 BC. The Middle Kingdom was the second peak period of the Ancient Egyptian civilization (the other two being the Old Kingdom and the New Kingdom). During this time all of Egypt was united under a single government and Pharaoh. 

  • The Middle Kingdom period was ruled by the Eleventh, Twelfth, and Thirteenth Dynasties. Historians sometimes include the Fourteenth Dynasty as well.Mentuhotep II by UnknownRise of the Middle Kingdom 
  • During the First Intermediate Period, Egypt was divided and in political chaos. The Tenth Dynasty ruled northern Egypt, while the Eleventh Dynasty ruled the south. Around 2000 BC, a powerful leader named Mentuhotep II became king of southern Egypt. He launched an attack on the north and eventually reunited Egypt under one rule. This began the period of the Middle Kingdom. 

  • Interesting Facts About the Middle Kingdom of Egypt
  • The pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom often appointed their sons as coregents, which was kind of like a vice-pharaoh.
  • The Pharaoh Senusret III was one of the most powerful leaders of the Middle Kingdom. He is sometimes called a "warrior-king" because he personally led his troops into battle.
  • The Middle Kingdom is sometimes referred to as Egypt's "classical age" or "The Period of Reunification."
  • During the Twelfth Dynasty, a new capital city was built called Itj Tawy.

new kingdom
new kingdom

The First Pharaoh of the New Kingdom and the 18th dynasty was Ahmose. 
  • The construction of pyramids stopped and pharaohs now preferred to be buried in the Valley of the Kings in rock tombs.During the reign of Akhenaten, Egypt became monotheistic - or ruled just one god, Aten or "sun disk". The Armana Period, as it was called, lasted only 16 years,
  • The eastern coast of the Mediterranean was brought under Egyptian rule after successful military campaigns were launched there.

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